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  • Writer's pictureMatteo Pascale

Pushing The Envelope In Broadcasting

Within the past few weeks of October 2022. I have been taking my first semester of university film classes. One of my recent assignments was to build from scratch a sound engineering audio file. Recently on my weekly podcast, “Let Us Be Idiots”. I did put together what could be considered somewhat of an audio format vlog. Talking about my sound engineering project for my university film class. The podcast episode of, “Let Us Be Idiots” I’m referenced is, “#127. The Bloop & Laughs (Bret Raybould)”

Basically, just quoting that, “Let Us Be Idiots” podcast episode’s description,

“On this episode of Let Us be Idiots starts off with a segment of the host Matteo Pascale talking about Bloop.” I’ll give more context as you read on. I thought it would be an interesting idea to air my university film class sound engineering assignment on my podcast, as a potential way of demonstrating an alternative way to broadcast. It’s common knowledge at this point for comedians to not just perform stand up, but as well having to embrace broadcasting and podcasting, which is an updated form of broadcasting. Regardless I believe in pushing the envelope constantly regarding what I can produce, edit and present on my podcast. So, airing my university film class sound engineering seemed like the perfect opportunity. To push the envelope on my podcast. Now regarding the term “broadcaster.” Recently on my podcast, “Let Us Be Idiot” I had an interview with Stephen Stull. He mentioned and referred to himself as, “a broadcaster”. That episode of, “Let Us Be Idiots” is “#124. Return To BizzarroLand (Stephen Stull)” To address who Stephen Stull is, he is the creator of BizarroLand Film Festival which is described as “BizarroLand Film Festival in Orlando, Florida. That spotlights the weirdest, most twisted, aggressively bizarre indie films being made!” Recently in the year 2022. I filled out and completed the paperwork. To produce my own reputable film festival, “The Crooklyn Comedy Film Festival.” Now regarding getting film submissions, I only got one. But deeply felt, that I didn’t want to be associated with that submitted film.

Yes, I do run an official film festival. Regarding labeling myself as a “broadcaster”. I very much struggle to come to terms with referring to myself as one. I have more comfort and confidence in calling myself a podcaster than a broadcaster. Digressing back to the main focus of this blog post, about my sound engineering project for my university film school class. When I was reviewing and observing my sound samples, I heard the current of the river, the wind, and what could be described as the white noise of the outdoors. The first few moments sounded rough because there is a lot of wind down by the river, as it hit the microphone. Then it became relaxing to listen to.

I audio-recorded the sound of the Hudson River’s current. I recorded exactly 2 minutes of audio samples, three different times. I played back and listened intently to each of the three audio sample recordings. I went with number one because it was the most interesting one with varied tones. When I arrived home and started to edit the sound sample recording of the Hudson River, I was navigating the given sound effect organization's website, but many of the given sound effects I felt did not fit with what I recorded. I wanted to have my sound sample be a reference to something completely niche and unknown. After brainstorming for about 15 minutes, I decided to use the audio recording of the decades-long previously unexplained phenomenon sound recording known as, “Bloop.” The audio recording of Bloop was discovered in 1987 and has sparked a huge cult following to the likes of Roswell, New Mexico, and literary fanatics of HP Lovecraft. With my audio recording with the added sound effects, I was hoping to create a mood and the effect of mystery, that sounded almost supernatural. I believe the audio sound starts off with a soft natural tone of decibels and then slowly builds to a foghorn-like sound that creates a mystery. The ending fades out and quiets down the previously unknown sound known as “Bloop.”

Here is the background information about “Bloop.”

“Bloop was an ultra-low-frequency, high amplitude underwater sound detected by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in 1997.”

"The Bloop" is the given name of a mysterious underwater sound recorded in the 90s. Years later, NOAA scientists discovered that this sound emanated from an iceberg cracking and breaking away from an Antarctic glacier.”

“Assuming similar noise-making capabilities of a blue whale (the largest known species of animal), the Bloop would have to be made by an animal more than 250 feet in length.”

The editing and mixing with the original sound recording sample I produced with the infamous “Bloop” recording took about two hours. Here’s the finished product that I handed in for the film class.

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